DevNexus 2013: Architecting Event-Driven Web, Mobile, and RESTful Apps & Introduction to Play Framework

At DevNexus 2013 I will be giving two talks:

Architecting Event-Driven Web, Mobile, and RESTful Apps

Non-blocking, asynchronous, and reactive are all the rage today. This session will explore why the patterns are important in modern apps and how to apply them to event-driven web, mobile, and RESTful apps. To illustrate the concepts, Java, Scala, Akka, and Play Framework will be used as examples.

Introduction to Play Framework

The Play Framework is a lightweight, stateless web framework for Java and Scala applications. With Play you can build traditional page-based web apps or modern web apps using REST, JavaScript, and HTML5. This session will give you an introduction to building web applications with the Play Framework.

Hope to see you there!